Episode 03: Booking a Room in Azurbala
Character and Citizenry content brought to you by Azurbala Broadcasting System. None of these words are our own. We post what we want, when we want, from who we want. Mostly from people with interesting stories. That doesn’t include you Jenkins the Mutant, so stop asking.
8.12.22 ~ Heya, as promised, I’m back to tell you a little bit more about our mysterious land Azurbala. Well, first off, we’re all Azurian and our home is a great place to visit. Especially if you can afford the cost of entry. We’re friendly, for the most part. We like to hunt. And eat baked goods. Probably a lot like where you are. But here, things are, let’s just say, other worldly.
Once you’re here, well, you’ll probably need a place to stay. So tonight, I’d like to share a little bit about our local hotel, The Balagio. This grand destination has long served as a favorite for travelers and local Azurians alike. Its beautiful rooms, laid-back lounge, magnificent casino and breathtaking views make it an ideal destination, and back in the day Lady Vo could often be caught holding court on the balcony.
Hotel Balagio. At least I think that’s what it looks like. Honestly, never been near the place.
Over the years, the building itself caught a bit of a reputation. It’s now better known for its darker, more ominous legacy—in fact, some claim that it’s one of the most haunted places in Azurbala. And since I’m not a big fan of haunted places, I’ve never been. But I can tell you what I’ve heard.
Balagio's history's riddled with darkness. Wild claims, and having its fair share of mysterious disappearances, have plagued its infamous host. Local legend states that during the renovation of the Balagio back during the great morpho bloom, builders unearthed bodies and some glowing substances with unknown origin.
Sus glowing object of unknown origin unearthed during Hotel Balagio construction.
There've been so many mysteries, the host eventually was forced to seal up construction of the lower floors—choosing to just build over it, rather than unearth one more oddity.
One of the most infamous tales from the Grand Hotel involved a so-called “evil room” that only appears to certain guests. One Azurian even claimed that there was a “presence” living in its bathroom mirror, a dark shadow marked with two glowing azur eyes who gave off a weird odor. According to lore, the poor guy never set foot in the Balagio again and a short time later, he killed himself.
Ok, what is that? Not that I want to, but I don’t see glowing eyes. Do you?
Nonetheless, despite the rumors, despite the disappearances, admirers and thrillseekers still love to stay at the Balagio. They even have tours. Of course, others avoid it at all costs. Like me.
Again, my name is Needle. When you need a guy, hit me up. Although not if you need a guy to go that hotel. If you do, you’re on your own. Do you think you have the backbone to stay at the Balagio? If so, may your essence sustain.