Episode 01: Wasn’t Recorded
Character and Citizenry content brought to you by Azurbala Broadcasting System. None of these words are our own. We post what we want, when we want, from who we want. Mostly from people with interesting stories. That doesn’t include you Jenkins the Mutant, so stop asking.
8.8.22 ~ So yeah. Maury didn’t hit record cause he wasn’t sure it was going to be a thing. And then it was a thing. An iykyk type of moment. Emma and the team had just finished their third very proper interview style spaces and we were kind of all jazzed up cause the team shouted us out and ya know, that was kind.
So we decided to do a spaces ourselves. Maury and I. Sort of like the conversations we’d been having on twitter. Over the past week we’d met, gone to a balaball game, and set off fireworks off the roof of the arcade in the Sprawls after we’d drank way too much—which was directly related to the number of times the drink dogs came around. I swear, that control they have over the franchise at the stadium is a little disturbing, and whatever they’re serving, you just want more no matter how much you drink. If their elixirs were labeled properly, they’d say DON’T DRINK ME, but we weren’t so lucky. Azurian Beer. That’s what the label said. And that’s what we drank. And drank. And drank.
Now mostly, lately, my days and nights are filled with businesses and taking care of mom. Running House Vosace, and a merch company, and a merc company. Well, that can keep you busy. But all work and no fun can make Shel a dull Bae, so when I heard Maury yelling out the scores to the game, and honestly making it sound like a siren call of fun, I just said, what the heck, I’m closing my laptop and heading out. I asked for directions to the ticket office, to the general ether, and low and behold, Maury, at my door, ‘this way ma’am’ kind of thing.
Ma’am. Not a big fan of ma’am. Bala Bae. Bala Bish, Citizen. Those will work. But if you’re trying to get my head to turn in a crowd, then calling me dude or ma’am is not the right tool for the job.
Perhaps I should introduce myself.
I’m Ms. Shell Nickles. Founder of House Vosace. Keeper of secrets. Purveyor of dreams.
My friends call me Shel.